BYOD Blog Series (Part 1): Do you have the resources to implement a support system to manage mobile technology issues?

In-house IT teams are used to dealing with common business applications such as Office 365 and applying the resources and knowledge required. But if the business adopts a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, things can become more complicated.

These complexities stem from the simple fact that employees are likely to be using a variety of different devices, with different operating systems, manufacturers and applications.

If there’s an issue, the IT team has to know how to identify it and which manufacturer or distributor to get in touch with. The team would also be dealing with responsibility for a device containing personal data, which could cause its own difficulties due to the regulations around GDPR.

Consider your capabilities

It is therefore important to look at your in-house IT capabilities when thinking about a BYOD policy and whether your team has the expertise and the time to manage it.

Ask yourself if IT support could deal with issues such as:

– A mix of Android and iOS operating systems, some of which could be out of date

– A lack of device compatibility with enterprise apps and networks

– Identifying problems that occur with these devices, apps and networks (and quickly)

– Training employees on how to securely access company data

If your team would struggle to meet these challenges, or if your business doesn’t have the specialist IT resource in the first place, it’s worth talking to an independent service provider.

A source of support

Working closely with a knowledgeable telecommunications provider will ensure you have access to a dedicated source of support and all-round expertise, plus direct access to distributors and manufacturers to log issues and get them resolved.

The services of a telecommunications provider can also prove useful in planning and preparing your workforce for the future, as its support and advice can help you decide on the right hardware or devices for employees to use.

For example, rather than the workforce using a mixture of different operating systems, or accessing legacy devices, the provider could recommend that you roll out one set device across the workforce. In that way, all concerned would be familiar with the operating system, its capabilities and how to quickly fix any issue.

At Adam Phones, we’re used to helping businesses manage and overcome the challenges associated with BYOD. Our specialist knowledge can help to streamline processes, handle often unpredictable problems and deal with day-to-day issues across multiple devices.

Find out more

To understand all the mobile services we can support with, visit our dedicated Mobile Solutions page or freephone 0800 123 000 for more information.

Read the next blog in our BYOD series: Have you considered all aspects of BYOD spend vs corporate-owned devices?

Posted on: 17th August 2020

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